NZSCI is 100% NZ owned and operated family business.
We have been operating since 2006 in the wider Auckland "Stone Veneer Industry" and love producing a stylish, solid, elegant and depenable feature for customers in Auckland and the greater areas to enjoy for many many years. Its is now time for us to move home to Coromandel Peninsula and start producing timeless pieces of art to our neighbours.
NZSCI specialise in Stone Veneer and Schist Clad Products, this stone has various descriptions artificial, panel, schist clad. It is glued using the finest ecofriendly adhesives on the market. Generally the stone veneer is under 65kg per m2. As it is relatively light in weight and flat on the back like a tile it does not require extra foundations, footings or ties, thereby saving dollars compared to more traditional stone laying methods.
Craftstone's MOST experienced and number 1 team. We have the most experience with using Schist Clad products and the Branz Appraised System created by Craftstone NZ Ltd. Having worked with this product from its first introduction into the country, we have seen it all like no other installer has.
Compliments all types of Cladding - Cedar, Plaster, Weatherboards etc.